Rapporto SDSN per lo sviluppo sostenibile


😱😳😱Europa in ritardo anche su obiettivi sociali, crisi aggravano povertà e deprivazione materiale. Italia lontana dai Paesi più virtuosi

🐌Al ritmo attuale, un terzo degli Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile non sarà raggiunto entro il 2030.

📈📊📉e’ quanto rileva la quinta edizione dello “Europe sustainable development report 2023/24” pubblicato dalla Rete delle Nazioni Unite per lo sviluppo sostenibile (Sdsn), in collaborazione con Sdsn Europe e Comitato economico e sociale europeo (Cese).

🔎🌿🔎Dieci punti di ATTENZIONE

#Tenpriorityactions should be considered to reach development sustainable goal of agenda 2030

1. Respond to the grave danger of negative “Social Tipping Points” – significantly reduce the risk of poverty and social exclusion of European citizens.

2. Double down efforts to achieve net-zero emissions in the EU by 2050, with major breakthroughs by 2030.

3. Strengthen regional and local authorities in achieving the SDGs – regularly monitor and report SDG progress at all levels.

4. Curb negative international spillovers and support the transformation towards a sustainable trade system.

5. Leverage team Europe for global SDG diplomacy – strengthen diverse and universal formats, especially the United Nations.

6. Step up Europe’s multilateral role – lead global efforts to reform the global financial architecture.

7. Re-focus the EU’s International Partnerships on the SDGs – Move towards Mutually Transformative Cooperation.

8. Mobilise the financial means for the transformations toward a sustainable future.

9. Institutionalise the integration of the SDGs into strategic planning, macroeconomic coordination, budget processes, research and innovation missions and other policy instruments.

10. Set up new permanent mechanisms for structured and meaningful engagement with civil society, including youth, and within the European Parliament on SDG pathways and policies.


⏳Se non ora quando?

🎬Assumiamo tutti nessuno escluso responsabilità sociale in ogni relazione e sistema!

Felice giornata 🌻

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