Top ten insights from the science of a meaningful life

🔎The Top 10 Insights from the “Science of a Meaningful Life” in 2024

📈📚📉Le ricerche scientifiche ci danno qualche intuizione per contribuire ad un mondo migliore e felice. Alcune ricerche parlano dei modi in cui possiamo entrare in contatto con persone con cui non siamo d’accordo e di come questo processo non sia così doloroso come immaginiamo. Altre esaminano gli effetti che i comportamenti dei genitori hanno sui bambini, degli insegnanti hanno sugli studenti, altre ancora analizzano gli impatti della vita vegetale e animale su tutti noi. Altre ci stimolano a portare poche semplici pratiche positive e nuove abitudini più sane per rigenerare contatto con noi stessi e con gli altri.

1) We’re missing out on important happiness insights by overlooking Indigenous cultures: contribution to community, closer to nature, lower inequality

2)Old friends are an untapped source of connection and well-being: practice the act of reaching out and connect really reciprocally in deep life time

3)A simple 20-second practice (mindfulness and gratitude) can have lasting benefits for stress and mental health

4)We feel better emotionally when we’re in biodiverse places—not just basic “green spaces”: it is important to move towards polycultural spaces which mimic the biodiversity of natural ecosystems”

5)Learning to be more forgiving improves your mental health, no matter where you live: holding a grudge feels easier or more empowering but really impact our well-being, while forgiveness builds resilience, reduces stress and helps us move on constructively.

6)Empathy is passed down across at least three generations: a 25-year study showed how empathy can be passed from parent to child to that child’s future children, empathy is “paid forward” across relationships and over time, parent sensitive, emotionally engaged, supportive creates a virtuous cycle learning experience

7)Humble teachers help students learn and feel accepted: the paper found that one powerful way to do that is for teachers to model intellectual humility themselves, this approach stimulates students to do questions and express their ideas, avoid reluctancy to reveal what they do not understand, it is especially true for girls.

8)Exposure to inaccuracies can “inoculate” kids against future misinformation: develop the skill to think critically, one of the 10 life skills from OMS

9)Having a conversation with someone we disagree with isn’t as awful as we think: we imagine disagreement to be more unpleasant than it actually is, we avoit conflict that miight contribute to new creative solution, preferring to stay in silos with like-minded peers.

10)There are research-tested ways to preserve democracy: we can experiment new boundaries between brave and hostility

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